Susan Stamps 2 & Lots More

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Melting Pot

Have you ever used theMelting Pot by Ranger and Suze Weinberg? I'll he honest, at first I didn't like it at all. I used it for about a month and could not get the hang of it. So I put it away on a shelf and didn't take it out again. Well a while later I took a class showing how to use the Melting Pot. WOW! Taking a class made all the difference in the world. There are so many possibilities. My new favorite thing is to make jewelery with UTEE melted in the pot. Who would have thought that you could make jewelery with UTEE. I used a pendant made by Amate Studios, picture out of Suze Weinberg's book Instant Art, Clear UTEE and the Melting Pot.


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